Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Busy afternoon, sweet night

So today in physics Mr. Limmer tells us that tomorrow will be a laid-back party type day of card playing... unless one opts to study. Natalie told me I should bring lemon poppy seed bread, and seeing as I LOVE lemon poppy seed bread, I said I would. THEN we were talking about the homemade frosting on the brownies at school, and I said I made a mean homemade cream cheese frosting. At which point Limmer told me that now I had to prove it. In the mood to take up a challenge, I said I'd do that too.

So my big mouth led to two things: first, that I was running around all afternoon getting stuff to make lemon poppy seed bread, cream cheese frosting, and chocolate cake (what else are you going to do with a whole batch of frosting?). Being slightly distracted as I tend to be, I ended up having to make two trips to pick n' save, trips to Kohl's and Target (I was put in charge of getting a frame for our senior picture for Wiegert), and a trip back home to get my debit card in between because I had two dollars less than I needed. It was a very very busy afternoon.

On the upswing, the second result is that now I have a large loaf of lemon poppy seed bread, a beautifully decorated devil's food cake, and a decent sized tub of left-over cream cheese frosting all sitting on the counter at home! A sweet night indeed : )

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